Disc Prolapse

Disc Prolapse(IVDP)

The term Spondylosis is used to signify deteriorating changes in the intervertebral discs. Cervical spondylosis is a condition that happens due to degeneration of the discs in cervical region and such changes at lumbar region cause lumbar spondylosis. IVDP defined as intervertebral disc prolapse which occurs due to improper postures, trauma and due to degeneration.

A prolapsed intervertebral disc is also identified as Slipped disc. There would be a bulging out of the inner part of the disc. This is a condition which affects the spine in which there is a tear in the outer fibrous ring of an intervertebral disc allowing the soft central portion to bulge.
The intervertebral discs are present between the vertebral bodies of the spine. The discs would be rubber or jelly-like and they act like cushion to the spine when it bends. The discs consist of gelatinous inner nucleus pulposus and strong outer annulus fibrosus.
Symptoms are Ligament pressure (backache),Nerve root compression (paresthesia, numbness, and weakness),Pressure on dural envelope of nerve root,Cauda equine compression -urinary retention
As per Ayurveda, the conditions which can result in back pain include external truamatic factor that is abhighataja, and internal factor that is nija. Joints are sites of sleshaka sleshma (kapha) and lower back (kati) is a vata specific site. According to Ayurveda, an intervertebral disc prolapse problems occurs at three levels. Mans dhatu , majja dhatu and asthi dhatu, are the three different tissue levels. Mamsa means muscles; asthi means bones, and majja means everything which is present in the bones.
Causes are Trauma,Wear and tear,Overweight,Less toned muscle,Hyper functioning back bone,Genes,Abnormal growth in vertebral spine
Detoxification, that helps in reducing inflammation (Pittahara), healing of the damaged disc (mamsa bhagna), to reduce pain (vedanahara) and to strengthen the region (Rasayana).
We give panchakarma-Virechan,Basti, PPS, Abhyanga, Kashaya Seka, SSPS, Lepa, kati basti, internal medications,Agni karm,viddh karm,yoga, advice of life styles and food changes & Rasayan chikitsa.

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